Hotel Information

Hotel: Quality Inn, Lewisburg
Address: 178 Coleman Drive, Lewisburg, WV 24901
Room Rate: $115 plus tax (~$129.95 w/ tax included), and includes a continental breakfast
Reservations: Call 304-992-7390 and ask for the "Forest Resources Association" room block
Cut-off Date: Rate available thru Monday, October 2

*Please note: the meeting will be held at the Dutch Haus Restaurant, so feel free to stay elsewhere if you prefer.


  • Note: Includes reception and awards dinner only.

Note: to add a guest to your registration, complete your registration first and then choose to "Add Another Registrant" at the bottom of this page.

Sponsorship Opportunities

If your organization is interested in sponsoring the FRA 2023 Appalachian Region Fall Meeting, please complete one of the sponsorship level options noted below. For information on sponsorship, please contact Claire Gedde at [email protected]


Additional Activities

Please select from the options below to let us know if you plan to participate in an activity. Both the Meet & Greet and Field Tour are included in the registration cost. 

  • Meet & Greet

    Meet & Greet

    Please add this to your registration if you plan to attend the Meet & Greet on Tuesday, October 24, 6-8pm.

  • Appalachian Region Steering Committee Meeting

    Appalachian Region Steering Committee Meeting

    Please add this to your registration if you plan on joining the Appalachian Region Steering Committee meeting, Wednesday, October 25, 9:00 am-12:30 pm.

  • Tethered Logging Site Visit and Tour of WV Great Barrel Company

    Tethered Logging Site Visit and Tour of WV Great Barrel Company

    Join us to experience a tethered logging operation, followed by a tour of the WV Great Barrel Company, the world's most advanced whiskey barrel cooperage in the heart of Appalachia.

    Please add this to your registration if you plan to attend.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software